Bernard Frize : "Sans repentir", video of his retrospective at the Centre Pompidou (2019)

Introduced by exhibition curator Angela Lampe

Take the time to (re) visit the first monogrpahic exhibition dedicated to the French painter Bernard Frize by the Centre Pompidou in 2019. "Sans repentir" is a retrospective inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the different periods of Bernard Frize's work.

From 1977 and that first painting with its distinctive density, as each stroke of paint follows the weave of the canvas (to be seen at the 5th minute of the video), to 2019, we follow Bernard Frize's progress and the transformations in his approach to painting. The artist summed up this approach in an interview with Télérama (French text): "Through this retrospective, you can see quite quickly that there is no evolution in my work, all the canvases are the same. The forms are different, but they use the same principles, the same processes, the same difficulties, the same questions. If there are several canvases, it's because there are different angles from which to approach these questions. Each painting shows a different facet of these paradoxes."

This explains why the scenography of this retrospective is not chronological but thematic and why, following the same idea, we are invited to desacralise painting, in a way.


March 29, 2024
of 108